Saturday, July 30, 2011

Narrating Self...

Narrating the self

I am a 3rd year student, following a Mass Communication course at Charles Telfair Institute, and amongst the modules that we had was the photography module. This module, in fact, has triggered my interest in photography. Thereafter, I wanted to better myself in this field, therefore, I joined an advance course conducted by Jameel Peerally, a well-known photographer both at national and international level. This course has greatly enhanced my capabilities in photography.


The reason why I choose this picture is because it means a lot to me. Although being a photographer, and always be behind the camera instead of being in front of it, it is quite tough for a photographer to comment on a self-portrait picture but here it is. The message I wanted to express through this photo is that in life, you should always aim for something higher and better. Leaning in the dark and the past is not what you should do. Always stay focused on your long-term goals, which will help you to hold on and remember what you need to do.


  1. Antish, you are one of the most disciplined and punctual people I’ve ever known. I have been knowing you through many years and whatever you touch turn into gold. What you have achieved is due to your determination, hard work and your composed demeanor. For what you have done there is no other words to define it. You have showed us another aspects of photography, opened our eyes on this world of arts as each pictures are different. Each one have their story as you have explained. Each photographer whether he's a sport photographer or specialized in photojournalism must know when to take the pictures, wait for that single moment that will make their pictures an art. The picture that has touch me the most was the one with that little girl with her doll. As you say, a simple thing can make her the most happiest girl in the world.

  2. Thanks for your kind words. As you already know photography is an art. One can immortalize a moment, an action in time for later referral. However, on the other hand, photography has been a great advent for the advertising field. To get the message out there to the people, we now use images, an easy way to express what one wants. But my type of photography is to show things in their natural state, no use of Photoshop (unless to put my watermark). Still we, photographers have a big problem. People check out your pictures, copy and paste them and they pretend they are theirs. Even with watermark, for these people, Photoshop is there to help them. But that's another issue. For what i express through my pictures, is what i learnt from life, the things i want to do, to explore as photography is vast and there's so many ways to express things. As we say, a picture is worth a thousand words.
